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English 2089 (Intermediate Composition): Writing about Writing

English 2089 (Intermediate Composition) reinforces what students learn in first-year Composition, introduces higher-level learning about writing and reading, and focuses students’ attention on how meaning is made, understood and communicated across and within discourse communities. The course emphasizes critical reading and writing, advanced research and argumentative skills, and rhetorical sensitivity to differences in academic, professional, and/or public writing.


Contributor: Rhiannon Scharnhorst, University of Cincinnati,

Created on: May 23, 2021

Last updated on May 24, 2021

Institution: University of Cincinnati

Type of Institution: Public University

Highest Degree Awarded: Doctoral Degree

Course: 2089: Intermediate Composition

First Used: Summer 2020

Most Recently Used: Fall 2020

Thematic Course: No

Required Course: Yes

Prerequisites: Completion of 1001, 1012, or the transfer equivalent, plus 30 semester credits.

General Education Course: Yes

Course Level: Second Semester

Personal Control Over Syllabus Design: Full Control

Comments: The syllabus was designed with departmental outcomes in mind, but the course theme and assignments were developed by me.

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